Mission Statement
To be one of the leading P&I Clubs for the world’s quality ship-owners and charterers, providing cover on sustainable terms. To underwrite P&I insurance on a mutual basis within the International Group of P&I Clubs, primarily for ocean-going cargo ships, with a wide geographical spread of business. We also underwrite FD&D and War Risks as well as fixed premium insurance for the owners of small ships and for charterers along with a number of ancillary covers and extensions to diversify our offering
Values Statement
- Our Members’ Committee, Board and Management work closely together and are focused on the promotion of our Members’ and Assureds’ interests.
- All of the Club’s work must be of a high quality and carried out with honesty and integrity.
- Our Management must be professional, motivated, and competent, and operate closely as a team. Enthusiasm for and commitment to the Club is important throughout the organisation and we want a vibrant and inclusive culture in which ideas and efforts to improve performance and to promote the Club at all levels, internally and externally, are encouraged.
- Although there are expense implications attached to the service we want from Management, we must constantly strive for efficiencies.
- Our Members and Assureds support the Club - and we want to promote The London to ensure that other quality ship-owners and charterers are aware of its advantages.