Bauxite Cargoes & Liquefaction – IMO’s conclusions following “Bulk Jupiter”
4 November 2015
Following the loss of the bulk carrier “Bulk Jupiter” and 18 lives in January 2015, as reported in the Club’s News Alert dated 7 January 2015 (click here), the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers has recently published a Circular on the carriage of bauxite that may liquefy.
The IMO Circular notes that the potential for bauxite to liquefy is not specifically addressed in the IMSBC Code, as it is only classified as a Group C cargo. It also includes guidance for Masters, who should not accept bauxite for loading unless:
the cargo certificate indicates that the moisture content is below 10% and the particle size is as detailed in the IMSBC code schedule for BAUXITE, or
the cargo is declared a Group A cargo and the Shipper declares the TML and moisture content in accordance with paragraph 4.3.1 of the IMSBC Code; or
the competent authority has assessed the cargo in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1 of the IMSBC Code and determines that the particular cargo does not present Group A cargo properties.
A copy of the Circular can be accessed by clicking here.
Members who plan to fix or charter a ship to load bauxite, or are ordered to load bauxite under an existing fixture, should take extreme care when carrying bauxite in bulk and contact the Club for assistance as necessary.