Chinese Pollution Regulations – Fines for failure to contract with SPRO
20 April 2018
Members will be aware, from previous circulars and alerts in respect of the Chinese Regulations for the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships (click here for the News Alert attaching the International Group FAQs from March 2012), that a vessel must contract with an approved Ship Pollution Response Organisation (SPRO) before entering/exiting Chinese ports. These Regulations are compulsorily applicable and mandate that failure to comply will result in a fine of between RMB10,000 to RMB50,000 (USD1,600 to USD8,000).
One of the Club’s China Correspondents, Huatai Insurance Agent Consultant Service Ltd, has warned that several vessels have recently entered Chinese ports without a SPRO contract and been fined accordingly. Further they report that random spot checks by local MSAs are taking place. The Correspondent therefore strongly recommends that Owners ensure that a SPRO Agreement is in place and arrange for the vessel to have a signed copy of the SPRO contract on board. To read the full report from the Correspondent, please click here.