Philippines – Nickel Ore Cargoes
22 July 2015
The Club has received industry reports of cargo liquefaction occurring on a bulk carrier which had loaded a cargo of nickel ore at Suriago, Philippines. According to these reports, the crew were evacuated after the ship lost stability but one seafarer is said to have lost his life during the abandon ship operation.
Members will be aware of the dangers associated with the carriage of cargoes that can liquefy as outlined in previous Club Circulars, News Alerts and Stop Loss articles. As the rainy season in the Philippines runs from June until November, the current conditions present increased challenges for Members loading nickel ore cargoes in the next few months. Members are responsible for ensuring full compliance with the IMSBC Code and must take any measures necessary to ensure the safe carriage of nickel ore cargoes. The Club’s Circular containing detailed information on the Safe Carriage of Nickel Ore Cargoes can be accessed by clicking here.
Members who plan to fix or charter a ship to load Nickel Ore and the Philippines, or are ordered to load nickel ore under an existing fixture, are reminded that they must notify the Managers at the earliest opportunity and comply with the Mandatory Notification Requirements, otherwise they risk prejudicing Club cover. A copy of the Club’s Circular with details of the Mandatory Notification Requirements can be accessed by clicking here.