Somalian Piracy - IMO Guidance on the use of Armed Security Personnel

9 July 2012

Members will be aware from our News Alert of June 2011 (click here) that the International Maritime Organisation’s Maritime Safety Committee (IMO MSC) had previously released guidance relating to the deployment of armed security personnel on board vessels for Flag States and, separately, to those employing armed security personnel from private security companies (Rev 1).

The IMO MSC has recently issued the following:-

1. Interim guidance to private maritime security companies (click here).  

2. Interim guidance for Flag States on measures to prevent and mitigate Somalia-based piracy (click here - which is in addition to the interim guidance to Flag States given previously).

As a consequence of this an updated version of the guidance for those employing armed security personnel from private security companies has also been issued (Rev 2 - click here). The differences between Rev 1 and Rev 2 are identified by way of track changes in a document that can be found attached this alert.

Members will note from reviewing Rev 2 that it refers to two circulars which have yet to be published and/or revised by the IMO, namely:

(i) MSC.1/Circ.1406/Rev.2 - Revised interim recommendations for Flag States regarding the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships in the High Risk Area; and

(ii) MSC.1/Circ.1408/Rev.1 - Revised interim recommendations for port and coastal States regarding the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships in the High Risk Area

A link to these documents will be circulated once they have been published and/or revised.