Turkey - Port Situation
21 July 2016
Members will already be aware of the attempted coup overnight on 15-16 July in Turkey and the consequent potentially volatile security situation. Whilst a number of flights to and from airports in Turkey have been affected, the latest information concerning the situation at Turkish ports/straits received from correspondents, Vitsan Mumessiillik ve Musavirlik AS, Kalimbassieris Maritime AS, and law firm, Cavus & Coskunsu, is essentially as follows:-
Turkish straits at Bosporus and Dardanelles are fully operational.
Repairs at Tuzla area shipyards are unaffected with work continuing normally.
The country’s ports operate normally as well, we are not aware of any known abnormalities.
At the moment, the situation is not thought to affect the safety of vessels calling at Turkish ports. Members who have vessels that are due to call at Turkish ports and/or considering fixing to load/discharge at Turkish ports, should keep abreast of the local situation.