Turkey – Restrictions on vessels calling at Crimean Ports
30 November 2017
Members will already be aware of EU sanctions in place following the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol in Spring 2014, as set out in previous News Alerts on the Club’s website (click here). Members calling at ports in Crimea and the Black Sea should note that Omur Marine Limited, one of the Club correspondents in Istanbul, has drawn attention to a Circular from the Turkish Chamber of Shipping (click here for a copy along with free translation) that the Turkish government/Turkish port authorities:
- Will not allow vessels from Crimean ports to call at Turkish ports.
- Will not allow vessels departing from ports in Turkey to call at Crimean ports.
- Require agents to provide undertakings:
- for vessels arriving at Turkey to confirm the previous departure port; and/or,
- for vessels departing Turkish ports to confirm that the vessel will not call the ports of the Crimean region;and,
- that if any part of the trade/voyage has or will involve Ukraine, then no part of it, including the customs, port and trade documents contain anything relating to Crimea.
The Correspondent advises that the authorities will be enforcing this strictly and may inspect any relevant documents, log book extracts and other available sources (AIS/VDR data etc).
Members should ensure that they avoid trading between Crimean ports and Turkey in order to avoid breaching the Turkish regulations and potential delays/detentions/fines.