United Arab Emirates – Classification - New requirements to call/anchor at Ports

20 December 2018

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal Transport Authority (FTA) have advised that, with effect from 1 January 2019, a new classification requirement shall apply to certain flagged vessels calling at UAE ports or anchoring in UAE waters within the Exclusive Economic Zone. The new requirement is that vessels from 25 listed flag states will need to be classified by a member of the International Association of Certification Societies (IACS) or by the UAE Classification society (Tasneef). It is reported that the aim of the new regulation is to try to ensure that all tonnage trading in UAE waters is compliant with accepted safety and quality standards. 


To access a copy of the FTA Circular outlining the new regulation along with the list of flag states, click here.


Members are recommended to check the list to determine whether their vessels are affected (in particular before entering UAE ports or anchoring in UAE waters) and be duly diligent in respect of their contractual arrangements and/or bunkering arrangements if their vessels do not meet the new requirement.