Stop Loss
Our regular StopLoss Bulletin delivers practical loss prevention advice, drawing from the experience of the Club and our members and from a range of other industry sources. Copies can be downloaded and viewed below.
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28 September 2010
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 55
28 September 2010
This is the English version of StopLoss 55. Corrections to Satellite Derived Positions Risks of Unintentional Drug Smuggling Containers Shortage Personal Injury Claims Environmental Risk Management Customs Declarations in Argentina
23 July 2010
This is the English version of StopLoss 54. Indian iron ore fines Personal injury claims Making contact Onboard safety ISM Code revisions Rotterdam Rules From our Correspondent
28 January 2010
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 53.
28 January 2010
This is the English version of StopLoss 53Keeping charts up to datePoor passage planningDangerous heaving linesBeware Turkish pollution finesAssessing the risk of cargo liftingUltra-low sulphur fuel DirectiveFrom our Correspondent
15 July 2009
This is the English version of StopLoss 52.Increase in stowaway incidentsCompelling evidenceCollision risk at anchorageMeans of controlling safe accessBeware on-deck carriage liabilitiesDiving dangersFrom our Correspondent
22 December 2008
* Know your bridge equipment* StopLoss podcasts* Proposals to inert DRI cargoes* Philippines court denies 120-day claim* Promoting safe chemicals carriage* Dakar customs* From our Correspondent
22 August 2008
Bridge procedures following collisions reminderParis MOU Mandatory Expanded InspectionsThe need to maintain gear binsAnchoring in heavy weatherCounting the cost of hull foulingPetcoke problemsFrom our Correspondent
2 May 2008
Communicating the need for crew contract consultationSmoke and mirrorsGrain cargo problems in Saudi ArabiaIn the pipelineBlock stow reminderDuty to interveneTraining matters
11 January 2008
Indian ore liquefaction problemsMaintain your wiresTimely medical advice can save livesRecent environmental developmentsAll personnel must follow enclosed space proceduresAccident investigationHeavy weather injuriesDouble trouble with hot coal
27 September 2007
Dealing with mental illnessCheck before fixingMark 1 Eyeball rulesBeware AIS over-reliance
26 June 2007
Passing the can test on nickel ore cargoesClosing the loopHealth check warningIncompatible cargoes alertVietnam rainy seasonVessels and narrow channelsSmoke without fire
19 March 2007
Loading manual and CSM reminderCarrying coalsTally woe in SenegalWhen in doubt - turn rightTake care with fumigantsSyrian surprisesOdessa pollution alert