Stop Loss
Our regular StopLoss Bulletin delivers practical loss prevention advice, drawing from the experience of the Club and our members and from a range of other industry sources. Copies can be downloaded and viewed below.
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23 April 2018
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 70
23 April 2018
This is the English version of StopLoss 70 Anchor dragging : Master's authority and responsibility Container Losses Emerald Star / Liquefaction Correcting systemic issues
21 November 2017
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 69
21 November 2017
This is the English version of StopLoss 69 Chittagong: Outer Anchorage STS operations Publications: Reducing the risk of liquefaction and propulsion loss Position fixing intervals Club Inspector Accident Investigation Round-Up
20 March 2017
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 68
20 March 2017
This is the English version of StopLoss 68 Marine Warranty Surveys Chart Folio/Publications Management Club Inspector Accident Investigation Round-Up
6 September 2016
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 67
6 September 2016
This is the English version of StopLoss 67 Cyber Risk LP Focus Update Mooring Stations Club Inspector
26 April 2016
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 66
26 April 2016
This is the English version of StopLoss 66 Problems with Indonesian coal Inspection of fixed premium ships LP Focus Enclosed spaces and testing equipment Club Inspector Accident Investigation Round-Up
22 October 2015
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 65
22 October 2015
This is the English version of StopLoss 65 Pre-load Steel Surveys The Full Picture - Fixed and floating object damage - digital evidence Additional Safety Poster Club Inspector
17 April 2015
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 64.
17 April 2015
This is the English version of StopLoss 64 Carriage of Bauxite - Liquefaction Risks Voyage Data Recorder issues SOLAS : Enclosed Space Entry Drills Club Inspector
23 October 2014
This is the Chinese version of StopLoss 63