Stop Loss
Our regular StopLoss Bulletin delivers practical loss prevention advice, drawing from the experience of the Club and our members and from a range of other industry sources. Copies can be downloaded and viewed below.
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26 June 2007
Passing the can test on nickel ore cargoesClosing the loopHealth check warningIncompatible cargoes alertVietnam rainy seasonVessels and narrow channelsSmoke without fire
19 March 2007
Loading manual and CSM reminderCarrying coalsTally woe in SenegalWhen in doubt - turn rightTake care with fumigantsSyrian surprisesOdessa pollution alert
15 November 2006
Vapour migration trailCrossed wiresDon't tamper with safetyMediation proving its worthExamining the twistlock issueDrugs cover alertBeware debris & residuesCostly collapse
1 August 2006
Beware bunker heat transferPermits to workDrugs alert in VenezuelaParallel indexingUndeclared cleaning agents
1 May 2006
Pass at a safe distanceNickel ore liquefaction problemsMaintaining laddersDealing with stowawaysVentilating at night
1 February 2006
Augment your bridge teamHolds and hatchesBeware when rigging pilot laddersMalaria alertLifeboat safety warningBeware enclosed spaces